Made of 1300 Speed bags:


I know what you’re thinking: “How can you just pick 3? TV-shop products are per definition stupid, otherwise they would have been sold via more respectable marketing such as radio or magazine ads or through attempted priming by subtle messages in a CD of children’s nursery rhymes”. Be that as it may, I have picked out 3 that makes the electric work-out products seem almost reasonable.

“Tiddy Bear”. Get your own fluffy tit protector today. Actually, get three so both of your children get their own titty bears.

“The Hawaii Chair”. HOW DOES THE WOMEN IN THIS VIDEO MANAGE TO TYPE STEADILY WHILE SITTING ON THIS SHIT? And am I the only one who suspect that this would cause odd spinal problems after using it for an entire workday?

“The TV-hat”. I’m not sure- I hope not- that this is a real product. I’m not sure I have much to add to what has already been said about this. On the other hand it is a good product in the sense that it will make the idiots easier to spot.


… So here’s another thing I will whip out if I want to mess up my potential future kids. I’m pretty sure the list of “Tools for psychological experiments on children” that I’m unofficially making has grown quite long during the last year. Now, this video starts off as a normal pretentious children’s show, but make sure you watch until the end.

Child Safety ads from the 50ies! I would have made them more gory, if we coddle our kids they’ll just grow up into weak, frightened wussies instead of strong, emotionally damaged sociopaths! You need to look out for those damn piles of leaves!










Here’s a safety video from1962 as a bonus if you have the time to watch it. A bunch of kids in weird monkey masks decides to ride their bikes to the park, but do they make it?

A wanted ad

Just something funny I found online.

Image  —  Posted: October 27, 2011 in Uncategorized
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My Spanish isn’t good, so the only thing I understood was basically “It is good” and “I like you”. Or at least that’s what I think they said. I think this clip might be better if you don’t understand what’s being said,- that way you’re even more mystified. I couldn’t embed it properly so I think you have to click the link. It’s “mature” because it contains breasts but not in a sexual way (I hope).
Mathilda May – La Teta y la Luna by t-king81
Bonus WTF: This looks a lot like Jessica Harrison’s furniture but I can’t find it on her site and I can’t track the image, so I think it’s a different artist doing a similar thing.



Posted: October 12, 2011 in Uncategorized

So I won’t post the thing I wrote yesterday tonight. Mostly because I don’t have time to finish writing it and reflect on whether I should post it or not. Still feeling partly like I want to strangle someone for no reason or just curl up somewhere where I won’t bother anyone any more and no one will bother me. It’s more fun to feel angry so I’m going for that and listening to Three Days Grace and A Perfect Circle (TDG has the worst lyrics but it’s enpowering).

Buyers can get a 3D “face mask” for US$3,920 (additional copies cost just US$780 each). Each replica of one’s head costs US$5,875 (copies: US$1,960

It’s a Japanese company that makes 3D face replicas. Read more here.


I’m gloomy today.

I wanted to update every day this week (probably not going to) so here’s an update to say that people, my life and the world in general seem to suck. Trying to type up a more elaborate reason on word which I might post tomorrow but is probably just going to end up deleting like always. I wanted to have this part in small font so people could ignore it but I can’t find where I should click.

I take way too many photos on my cell. A lot of them are from messing around with the different anatomical dolls and replicas from school.

1. This is my school flirt, the skeleton of Henry Cavill.With that jaw you could almost mistake him for Metroman!Photobucket
2. Me and the skeleton of Henry Cavill flaunting our love.Photobucket
3. This is my secret gay lover, Mira. She’s been parked out in the school corridor over the weekend and I don’t know why.

4. Mira’s O-face (lots of things happening off-camera in this shot).
5. Mira’s “aaah”-face.
6. Leaving Mira to rest behind that door in the corridor.


7. This is my personal trainer, the skeleton André. André has similar looks to Henry Cavill but lives in a different classroom.

8. This is the school’s whore house.
9. My adopted son, Montaug.