Archive for May, 2010

That’s the name of your new metal band, but also the theme for today’s post.

I’m staying away from every site that might spoil me about the series finale of LOST before I get the chance to watch it, so I’m a bit limited in my search for interesting stuff. Engine Ingestion will have to do.

Engine Ingestion doesn’t have a wikipedia page to explain it for me, but from what I’ve gathered it’s the technical term for things, mainly people, being sucked into aircraft engines. That being said, DON’T CLICK THE LINKS IF YOU DON’T WANT TO SEE GORE. There be chopped up people in there. I have however not posted any photos in the actual post, so if you just want to read it’s safe.

This is what’s left of a mechanic that got sucked into a Boeing 737 engine (photos). It’s not upsetting in the sense that it’s gory, but seriously, I dare you to look at it and not be impressed/terrified of the powers those engines have. There’s truly nothing left  except a splattered slushie of human. Hopefully he went in head first and never felt a thing, but there were still passengers on the plane who saw the accident happen. O_O Story (no pics).

Actually it seems like Boeing 737 is a bloody murdering machine. I’d make a remark about selling the idea to Stephen King about airplanes coming to life and eating people through their engines, but I haven’t read all his books yet and from those I’ve read it’s possible that he has already written something like that. I mean, he’s written about possessed wranglers killing people after getting a taste of blood, and there’s the Buick 8 from another dimension that did some nasty things, and I’m sure a several other objects. Anyhow, according to this article (no photos), there have been 33 reported ingestions of personnel into an engine on 737-100/-200 airplanes since 1969.

A few years ago a worker in China had the same thing happen to him. :S The article (no photos) mentions that he was wearing white clothes when he was sucked into the engine, which makes the photo of the incident a bit more unnerving. It’s difficult to really understand that this used to be a human being. If I’m reading the article right though there was larger parts of the corpse that made it through the engine which you can’t see in the photos.

And fuck choppers too! I will never go near a chopper! There supposedly a case of a guy with a ponytail who walked too close to the hind blades of a chopper and got his scalped ripped straight off his scull. I couldn’t find the story or photos of that, but here’s photos of a chopper decapitation. I seriously hope I don’t have to warn you that it’s gory.

I’m not sure if it’s possible to end this horrible post on a good note, but here’s a clip of a man who got sucked into an engine… and survived! It has a video of the event too.

I just finished reading an article about outbreaks of the dancing epidemic and other forms of mass trance. There’s a more detailed article on a laughter epidemic in 1962 too.



Posted: May 20, 2010 in Personal Life
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Nic Cage only eats animals that have dignified sex.

He’s such a special little snowflake.

I have to take care of tiny children next week so I’m going out tonight with a friend to get some of that immature and irresponsible out of me.

The only reason I’m typing right now is because I’m trying to stay up till 10 pm so I can go to sleep (went up 5:20 am to catch a train back from visiting my family during the weekend and I have a cold 😦 ).

Here’s a list about something something something:

1. Hartwig Hausdorf (nice name by the way) is obviously a German dude but actually educated, thinks that the reason Voyager 2, an unmanned probe that has been in space since 1977, has been taken over by aliens.

2. Eye piercings… what are the chances it will become infected? ;P

3. Speaking of eyes, ever heard of the term vodka eyeballing? I was going to email an article about it to a friend in hope of scaring him off doing stupid shit like that, but to be honest I was afraid he might see it as a dare.

4. Someone made a program which detects written sarcasm. Cool.

My younger sister’s boyfriend burned off some of my arm hair with a lighter after I dared him and her to google “blue waffle”.

I kind of deserved it, but it was still worth it.

I was embarressingly inactive during my team meeting today because I kept getting distracted by the thought of sex.

I just felt like sharing this vital bit of information.

I haven’t been updating much the last few days and I’m planning on changing that. Until then, cheers.

OK, real quick now:

1. Chicken burger USB hub

I’m hawtlinking today so lets see if it stays up. You can buy if from Brando here. Personally I’m planning on buying some cans of kidney beans and some tomato sauce this month instead (I’m all out).

2. Real dolls for non-sex reasons are kind of creepy, too.

^ Medical birth simulator. There’s an entire list filled with weird medical models over here, you should check it out.

3. This deserves some attention.

^ pretty amazing concept.

Soggy corn flakes mixed with yogurt has the same consistancy as vomit if you let them soak long enough.

No, really, I shouldn’t complain. I have food. I’m not starving. I have kind of an OCD about throwing away food; I hardly ever do it unless it’s really, really old and uneatable. If I have left-overs from a meal, I’ll try to offer it to at least 5 passing victims before I give up and throw it away.

Anyhow, I force-fed myself those last spoonfuls of vomitlike yogurt and felt slightly sick for the day, and in short that’s how my day was like.


OK, seriously, just these three things, then I’m going to bed.

Do you miss all those old geocity sites with textured background and ugly fonts? This site allows you to browse the web 1996-style (at least some webpages ;)).

I was meaning to post about this earlier but I just kind of forgot. I’m a member of ONTD, occasionally nicknamed the female 4chan. Gossip blogger Ausiello constantly steals posts from ONTD for his blog, snarks the site occasionally and is commonly referred to as “he-who-must-not-be-named” by members. Three members of ONTD managed to create a sort of impressive, but offensive, hoax earlier which both exposed Ausiello and created celebrity drama on Twitter. The article explains it in more details, but in short it went like this: 1. Someone (badly) photoshopped a screencap of Michael Lohan’s twitter and wrote that Lindsay had HIV, combined with bible quotes. 2. They posted the image on ONTD and said that the tweets had been deleted. This was backed up by two other members who were in on it. 3. ONTD calls the hoax, but Ausiello has already stolen the screencap and tweeted it, implying that he took it himself. Michael Lohan thinks someone hacked his twitter and accuses Ausiello through tweets. The word gets to Lindsay who seem to believe that her dad actually wrote the fake tweets. Read more here.

And lastly… a fart blanket. It’s not “an excellent anniversary gift”, no matter what the commercial says. Really. It’s not.

There is no theme today, just an assortment of weird news, good music and funny photos that I think people should be aware of. 🙂

Need background music before we start? Put this on. It’s Best Magmu Ever by Underworld.

Lets start out with something funny but tragic. A 59 year old man died yesterday after a eel had been inserted into his rectum by his friends, after he was passed out drunk. To add to the squick-factor of it: Apparently he died because the eel had devoured his bowels. The article doesn’t mention if the eel was alright though. Sauce.

Speaking of stuff stuck where they probably shouldn’t been stuck, here’s an x-ray of a person who put a vibrator in their ass and then tried to remove it using salad tongs…which obviously got stuck as well.

The source informs us:

“The patient attempted self-removal with a pair of salad tongs, which also became lodged, resulting in two rectal foreign bodies. Multiple attempts at self-removal are typical in patients with rectal foreign bodies.” Sauce.

Btw, my Ghetto name is apparently Rieelashatatasha. I must admit, it has a certain ring to it. See what your ghetto name by using this “map”:

And this is pretty totally awesome and amazing.

I also feel that I need to pimp the new animated series “Ugly Americans“. I haven’t seen much of it yet, but from what I’ve seen it’s promising. Here’s part 1/3 from the first episode.

Has the song ended yet? Put on this instead. It’s When I’m Small by Phantogram.

Moving on. I just read that Bill Murray wants to have a pre-death funeral, which I actually find pretty sensible. I wonder if my dad would let me throw myself a funeral in his house some time. I guess it would be hard to achieve that genuine funeral-y feeling if no one is actually mourning you yet, so maybe you’d have to fake your death first… which could make some people upset, which in turn would make less people show up for my actual funeral. Anyhow, you can read his comments about it here.

Tech stuff: There’s a useful site which you can use to do a quick analysis whether a photo has been manipulated with or not. The instructions are at the FAQ so you should all check it out. Here’s an example and link to the site!

This doesn’t need an explanation, just watch it.

I have more I want to post, but I’m gonna save it for another post, otherwise I’ll have to tag this one like crazy.